Cancer Biology
- B4884 RBC8Summary: Ral GTPase inhibitor
- A1132 β-PompilidotoxinTarget: sodium channelsSummary: Slows Na+ channel inactivation
- A1001 Adrenomedullin (1-12), humanSummary: Vasodilator
- A1010 Myelopeptide-2 (MP-2)Summary: Peptide used for restoring human T lymphocytes
- A1021 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Peptide (985-996)Summary: EGFR Peptide (985-996)
- A1022 GTP-Binding Protein Fragment, G alphaSummary: Hydrolyzes GTP to GDP
- A1023 Laminin (925-933)2 CitationSummary: Extracellular matrix glycoprotein
- A1028 Cadherin Peptide, avianSummary: Role in cell adhesion
- A1029 Fas C- Terminal TripeptideSummary: AC-SER-LEU-VAL-OH
- A1032 AdrenorphinSummary: Endogenous μ/κ opioid agonist,potent and selective